I sell ethanol for money, at a pharmacy. So, I have to work the occasional Saturday. Which, means I have to take a day off during the week. Which, means I get a Week Day- a man's day to fill with wasted time.
Before every Week Day I, I go to sleep with grand ideas of idustrisous activity starting at 6AM, unceasing 'til dusk. My wife will wake-up to breakfast in bed and a bright start to her day. ]
Every morning of Week Day, I forgive myself for not getting out of bed, while my wife's cornflakes get soggy. It's cold out there in the world.
The day usually begins around the crack of noon, watching Sports Center and eating a "Breakfast" Burrito, before planning the attack of the day. There may be a list, even mental, and it may include the following things, in to particular order:
Learn Krav Magra
Read an entire fucking newspaper
Start that book (Ulysses)
Write a screenplay
Not drink beer
Clean the kitchen
Clean da batroom (not a miss-spelling, a Chicago "BAE-Troom".
Clean the entire fucking house.
Make, like, the best playlist ever.
Hang picture frame.
Watch only 30 minutes from the DVR.
Do some stretching
Exercise- sunrise jog, Ketel ball squats, keg-tossing, Kangaroo-boxing.
Protein shake
Wear a belt
Do laundry- the right way (not just everything on COLD and delicate dry.) [Are there washers that offer suggestions for your laundry, like a sommelier?- "I suggest Light Permanent Press, moussiers."]
The reality of it is distorted. Perhaps the three most-logical tasks might be completed (DVR, Clean the kitchen, hang picture frame). What will more-likely occupy the day, is, in no articular order, (other than chronologically):
Experiment with beers
Laundry (Towels, on cold).
Listen to the entire Les Mis soundtrack.
Write a BLOG
Change in $30.05 in pennies and nickels at the bank- a surprising, unnecessary thing to do, considering how the rest of the day was spent.
Visit your buddy, who is AT work, and talk ABOUT work (Yeah, I'm talking to you, Erik).
Eat leftover quinoa (pronounced "Keenwah" as part of "Quinoa for dinner", which sounds like the opening to The Lion King. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX07j9SDFcc )
Pee, not wash hands.
Take a nap until the wife comes home...who was expecting dinner...
Although, I did discover, mixing Shock Top with RAAW Raspberry/Lemongrass juice blew my mind, and then my body.
There is always a Catholic-sized amount of guilt thats goes with days executed like today, but it doesn't last TOO long. After-all, tomorrow is another day.